Wednesday, December 27, 2023

End-of-the-year-Letter: 2023


Holiday newsletter of Luis Flores marking the end of 2023

This is the first year I am writing what in the past has been referred to as a “Christmas” letter.  I am not writing a Christmas letter, more of musings at the end-of-2023.   

I am retired from giving Christmas gifts to my kids because they are no longer kids.  I will continue to strive to give gifts to friends and family, but these may not coincide with Christmas or any other social holiday or birthday.  It is partly because I am in cognitive decline.

Neither am I having a Christmas family gathering, not even a video conference.  I will spend Christmas day with Nora and the Quiason extended family.  They have succeeded in keeping several generations together in a small but active extended family community.   

While I am not having a Christmas gathering, I welcome all those who wish to connect and visit with us (Nora and myself).  All are welcome to our home.

An overview of all family members will be too lengthy to attempt in such a brief note of the past year.  There have been no additions.  The youngest of the family is Hannah Juliette Flores (Paulo’s and Ali’s daughter) who was born in March 2022.  No divorces in 2023 and no deaths.  We remember those who have passed away in the last couple of years – Alex, Pauline, Katherine, Josie, Audrey.   

Our family is all over: New Zealand (Bengoy and Amy), Canada (My brother and his family: Lanny, Aileen, Ian and kids), Philippines (too many to enumerate), Australia (Emilie and Tess), U.S. (New York, Kansas, Missouri, Seattle, San Francisco, etc.).    

I have lost contact with some family members but I understand they are all doing well and coming into their own.   Alejandro, Rebecca and Carlo went for a visit to the Philippines this year.  Froilan is living happily with his half-sister in Idaho.  The young adults have new jobs and challenges (Maya, Nathaniel, Nickolas, Collin, Carson, Dylan).  Jackson Leo Flores (4-years old) started pre-school.   All are moving along fruitfully with the business of living – Emilie, Dan, Melissa, Allan, Robert, Paulo, Allison, Bengoy, Amy,

Nora is no longer receiving chemotherapy for her cancer.  She is moving away from the strictly medical towards incorporating the energies of the universe.  She is a Swami, a Buddhist, now an emerging Shaman towards self-healing and well-being. 

I will re-write and continue my writing of the “Coming of Age of the Elderly.”  It is mostly a memoir, a closure, a tying together.  I will also post our travel chronicles and other items of interest in my blog,  I only write to and cook for people I know.

We will continue our association with close friends and colleagues.

This year has been and still is politically, socially and environmentally catastrophic.   Too many things are approaching and wavering on the brink of disastrous change.  Too many people are dying, too many are starving without water and the essentials of living.  Too many are at war.

Happy Holidays!!  Our love and best to you all.  We have a rough road ahead.

Luis and Nora